What relevance is someone's authenticity anyway? As a community, we all exist in cyberspace--which isn't real in the physical sense of the word. I've got better things to do that worry about whether someone who posts on the internet is an actual person or not. In the end, isn't the content of the posts the only thing that's relevant?
I'm actually of the opinion that people you meet online are more real than the ones you interact with every day. How many people let their guard down in real life as extensively as they do under the guise of anonymity? But, again I say, it's irrelevant.
I'm reminded of a quote by a Native American chief from a class I took a couple of semesters ago. He recounted his tribe's creation story, and at the end he said, "I don't know if these things really happened or not, but if you think about it, you can see it's true."
That pretty much sums up my feelings regarding the postings I read on these sights. Whether anything physically happened or not, it can have either a ring of truth or falseness. American sas a society are much too caught up with their strict version of truth. The Bible is to be taken literally, word-for-word, while the stories are much more valuable on a mythical level. Something doesn't need to actually occur for us to learn about human nature.